permission articles describing people passive voice irregular verbs future present perfect past continuous past simple present continuous present simple conditional reported speech wh questions past perfect

I) Put the words between brackets in the correct form

1. If I had a lot of money , I would build------- ( build) a mosque.

2. I’d change the educational system if I ----were------------------------ ( be ) Minister of Education.

3. What --------would you do-----------( you do ) if you had a gun?

4. If I had wings ,  I --------would fly----( fly) in the sky.

5. Would you help poor people if you ----were------------------------------------------------ ( be) a millionaire?

6. If I were invisible , I-------------------'d do------------------------------------(do ) many amazing things.

7. If Israel didn’t exist, the world -----would be-----------------------------------------( be ) much better.

8. Where -----------------would you go-----------------------------------( you go )  if you won a lot of money?

9. What would you do if you ------found----------------------------( find )  a wallet full of money in the street?

10. I would run away if I ------------------saw----------------------- ( see ) a lion in the street